“Creativity in everything we do”
The Theme “Creativity in everything we do” whilst wide ranging, allowed us to look at how we can use creativity across every aspect of our business.
We all strive to win and keep business by outstanding creativity and we are very good at it indeed.
But, creativity is not confined to the big client ideas and can be adapted to permeate everything we do whether it be recruitment, keeping talent, accounting, billing, planning, creating a culture, new business.
Creativity has no single domain and no individual ownership.
The summit proved to be one our most successful to date, it was both enlightening and thought provoking and the call to action points we delivered motivated every attendee to adapt and change the way they approach their day to day business.
Jeff McElnea a lifetime member said this:
“The Dubai conference was one of the very best MAA experiences in my 38 years as a member. Due to the size, and I must say quality, of our group, we were able to learn more than ever from a very candid exchange of insights and strategies for business improvement….which is the perennial mission of MAA".
Key Note Speakers
Paul Curtis. Director of Agency Group Partnerships, Quantcast
Prior to joining Quantcast, Paul served as VP Commercial Strategy at NBCU Universal, where he was responsible for strategic partnerships totaling over a quarter of a billion US dollars. Before joining NBCU Universal, he was Deputy Managing Director at BskyB Sky Media, tasked with valuing its entire media led acquisitions and driving market share, leading a Media Week award winning team of 150 strong.
Quantcast processes real-time data at the intersection of commerce and culture, providing useful, actionable insights for brands and publishers.
During the summit Paul shared how creative use of data can add value to every marketing sector as well as beyond, stretching across global cultures depicting trends that are invaluable to everyone from brand owners to governments.
Joining us for the summits Paul engaged with members in his own inimitable way provoking thought and adding exceptional creative insights throughout the summit
Rob Langtry. Chief Strategy and Marketing Officer. Woolmark
Rob is a strategy and marketing professional with global experience, a strong record of achievement and innovation in the development and management of marketing, strategic planning, product innovation and commercialisation, strategic partnership development on the international stage.
Rob has extensive experience in Asia (Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Thailand, Singapore, Japan and Korea), Europe and the USA. He was awarded the 2011 Internationalist of the Year in 2011 and again in 2012
About AWI/Woolmark
Owned by 25,000 Australian wool growers, Australian Wool Innovation (AWI) is a not-for-profit company that invests in R&D and marketing along the global supply chain for Australian wool – from woolgrowers through to retailers. The company’s mission is to enhance the profitability, international competitiveness and sustainability of the Australian wool industry and to increase the demand and market access for Australian wool. AWI is the owner of The Woolmark Company and the world-renowned Woolmark logo.
How do you take a commodity like Wool and turn into a most desirable global fashion icon?
Creativity is the foundation of everything Woolmark does. And Rob shared and engaged us with the rise and rise of the brand over his tenure at Woolmark.
It wasn’t about great ads, or great PR. It was much more than that. Using creativity Woolmark prompted fashion designers to engage in and feature this most basic product in the most amazing ways. Truly inspirational.
Ambika Sharma
Ambika runs Pulp Strategy an exceptional agency in Mumbai. Not only did Ambika share her app product Instappy, (www.instappy.com) but also her amazing insights into the enviable culture she has created in her agency.