Discover Hidden Profits - you need to know where to look!
In Vienna we had an array of speakers giving us insights into different ways of discovering hidden profits:
Chris Kemp, CEO of Ingenuity kicked the conference off at the start point of discovering profits - turning cold prospects into new accounts. His presentation was packed with insights and practical tips about how to go to market, having the right story to tell, how to pair the right story with the right targetting, 3 best practice routes to market, getting first impressions right, what clients are looking for, how to win without even pitching as well as the rules about pitching.
Mandy Merron, Partner at Kingston Smith W1 demonstrated how understanding the numbers can make a hugely positive impact on your business and unlock value. She took us through what was possible and what the best performers in our sector were achieving and most importantly how they were doing it. She showed the impact on profitability that culture, people management, positioning, client relationships, commerciality and financial tracking all have on our bottom line.
Sandy Schlee, Chief Data Scientist at Razorfish enlightened us on how data is increasingly being used to make better marketing decisions. He showed us ways that as trusted advisors to our clients we need to focus on and be accountable for driving the economics of their businesses and the role data plays in helping achieve that. He also walked us through some of the challenges presented by 'device fragmentation'.
Barry Clarke, Chairman at Wiki-Solutions shared with us new research into how clients and agencies can work better together to ensure all parties improve the value they receive. He showed us 10 key action points that we need to focus on to improve the profitability we receive from the work we do. To close he demonstrated with case histories how on-line collaboration can be a source of new revenue for Strategy development, Inter-agency collaboration, Employee engagement, Stakeholder Engagement & Idea generation.
Nicole Gallucci, CEO of Boom talked about how the new concept of 'Adversperience' can help reach consumers in a world of distraction and media fragmentation. Adversperience is the combination of Advertising and Experiential that increases the effectiveness of both. She showed us the Adversperiential Continuum of awareness, engagement and sharing and how it worked to influence shoppers to actuall make purchases.
John Williams, Executive Director of MAAW, shared insights from research of GLOBE judges on how to win awards. As a result a clear list of Do's and Dont's was revealed that can positively increase your chance of winning. He also showed some examples of winning campaigns from the 2013 GLOBE awards and from Cannes. All delegates were given a DVD with case histories of all of the 2013 GLOBE winning campaigns.
Kerris Bright, former Global Brand Director for British Airways closed the conference with an enlightening presentation of a manefesto for Marketing and Agency partners. With illustrations from Dulux, Ideal Standard & British Airways she highlighted the 3 key CMO needs of: 1 identifying and pursuing your organization's purpose, 2 Anticipating Customer needs and 3 Mobilizing the organization. And most importantly Kerris identified the role we can play in helping CMO's achieve their objectives.
In addition to our speakers, panel discussion and workshops around the topics played an important part in delivering added value to delegates and provide real action points to take away and implement.